AI Local Foods Weekly Wrap Up

Week One

Dev Rokade


May 24, 2023

Week 1 Team Highlights

Completed Objectives

  1. Completed Team exercise on first day. Analyzed the areas where each team member was proficient in and the areas where we need to work on.

  2. Team members started working on datacamp. Special shoutout to Aaron for being the datacamp champ of our group!

  3. Attended meeting with Courtney Long to discuss project expectations and also clarified questions regarding the project

Works in Progress

None in progress for Week 1 except datacamp. Outputs of first exercise attached below.

DSPG Questions

Treat this section as a place to put all of the different questions that team members have about the work they’ve been completing so far. This can be things like;

  • How to best create a certain plot.
  • What package/module might be the best fit for the task.
  • An idea that can be discussed with the larger group for additional thoughts.